Άρθρα & Νέα

Address by the Minister of Health, Mr Michael Damianos, at the Graduation Ceremony of the Medical School of the University of Nicosia, yesterday

It is a great honor for me to address on this Graduation Ceremony of the University of Nicosia, Medical School. A celebration that gives us the opportunity to congratulate the medical graduates for successfully completing the first part of their medical cycle.

Cyprus has proved over the years to be one of the leaders with respect to tertiary education in the region. The University of Nicosia Medical School is one of the important contributors offering the opportunity to young health professionals to chase their dreams in the field of medicine. The continuous growth of medical schools both in Cyprus and abroad, in addition to the international character that the University of Nicosia has developed, provides students with the opportunity to broaden their perspectives as well as to experience the global character of training.

The state-of-the art facilities and equipment, the qualified academic staff, the cooperation with key stakeholders, medical academia and medical community, represent a holistic training approach for completing a degree in medicine.

In the 21st century, health is global, not local; dynamic, not static; with medical knowledge accelerating at an unbelievable pace. In order to succeed in this competitive environment, the medical profession must evolve. The world of medicine is a continuous cycle of training, service provision, skills development and professional commitment.

I am certain that the University of Nicosia Medical School has provided the new graduates with all the necessary knowledge, skills and the means by which a bright career in medicine will be ensured. The medical community needs innovative ideas, new era, new establishments. The University of Nicosia Medical School graduates are the professionals that can make the difference, develop the profession further and expand knowledge.

The Ministry of Health promotes and supports training programs in the field of health. Investment in medical education, research and development activities will enhance and continuously improve the healthcare provision in the country.

Dear graduates,

Congratulations! You have successfully completed the first step of your medical career. You all know the sacrifices you made to reach where you are today. You have a long and challenging way ahead, but you will surely give the best of yourself to succeed and contribute towards the continuous healthcare development globally, wherever you decide to practice.

My advice to you? Be authentic, be realistic but dream big. Work hard. Surpass your limits but keep your professionalism. Become continuous learners, specialise, develop your research skills and be creative. Be a contributor to the change you want to see in the world. Always care for your patients, help your patients, as this is the art of medicine. Stay true to all the values you have acquired. Lead by example, follow your dreams, but above all, remain humble.

Being the generation of millennials, you are the ones known to create new ideas, work as team players in innovation, promote further the digital communication technology era and take healthcare to the next level. Your generation can lead the way. Use your talent and unfold it during your residency training, explore medicine and specialise.

And as the Nobel prize winner Dr Albert Schweitzer said “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful”.

The Ministry of Health is here, by your side, to support you and all the stakeholders involved, the medical community, students, academia, the medical profession, so as to ensure the continuous improvement of the Health Sector. Our main aim is to invest in healthcare promotion and disease prevention programs, provide equal access to healthcare provision, ensure quality in healthcare, invest further in research and development, technological advancements and continuous medical training.

Believe in yourself! You have a bright future ahead and you can make the difference.

Congratulations and all the best in your medical career!

Τελευταία Άρθρα